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Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Mayo, 2022

Talking About Finance

  "That's great!  So let us talk about some words related to finance. Example  budget.  A budget is an estimation of your income and expenses. It allows you to track and plan how you will spend your money, which can help you make financial decisions around paying off debt and saving for retirement." Vocabulary financial literacy              / fai · nan · shl  *  li · tr · uh · see/  the ability to understand financial skills budget                                   / ˈbəjət / n. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time debt                                        / det / n. money that is owed or due   credit                                    / ˈkredət / n. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment. mortgage                           / ˈmôrɡij / n.   an immovable property that is used as collateral to avail a loan.    Expressions It allows me/you... I want to... Conversation Practice The conversation will focus on planning

Preference in Fashion

  Vocabulary preference      / ˈpref(ə)rəns / n. a greater liking for one alternative over another or others. layer               / ˈlāər / n. a number of sheets that are stacked on other thin pieces. trends             /' trend / n. a fashion.     fancy              / ˈfansē / adj. not plain or ordinary    fabric             / ˈfabrik / n. cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibers. Expressions Can you... Do you... I prefer... I think... I like... Conversation Practice A: Can you describe your fashion preferences? B: I prefer simple and modern fashion. A: Do you have a specific brand that you like? B: Gallarda Galante, her brand is simple yet elegant. A: Which season is it the easiest to be fashionable? B:       I think autumn is the easiest to be fashionable. Because it is a cool-season, I can enjoy layering my clothes. Winter is too cold to be fashionable. A: Who is the most fashionable in your family? B: It's me. A: Do you follow a certai